Monday, July 17, 2006


[clockwise from left: CJ, Adam, Andrew, DK, Kelly, Jimmy]

This weekend we are headed to New Jersey....

We will be getting together with Andrew's best man, Adam, his wife Kelly, and new baby Gisele, and with groomsman, CJ and his wife Deb. [Please note: DK is a groomsman too (see picture above) but he is too busy being a master chef to join us...=( ]

The funny part about this weekend is that Andrew, Adam, CJ and I all went to junior high and high school together. In fact I went to pre-school with Adam...and I believe I attended his 5th birthday party...although I have no photographic evidence.

It has probably been 11 years since I've seen Adam and 13 years since I've seen CJ.

If you had asked me 3 years ago if I ever thought the four of us would be getting together to celebrate marriage and babies I would have said you were on crack.... but life is funny that way and here I am.

I will admit that I am moderately anxious and nervous about the reunion but I am also pretty excited. I can't wait to see Gisele (most gorgeous baby ever!), play with lots of dogs, see if Adam and CJ have changed or stayed the same... and have lots of girl talk with Kelly and Deb. Most importantly I hope the weather is nice so we can take full advantage of CJ's patio and pool.

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